Welcome to the laboratory! It will take a couple of weeks to get you up and running in the lab, so why not use that time to explore different sources of information that will save you time later.
Register to news feeds
- Register to the magazine University Affairs (free) for general information about the academic life.
- Register to euRobotics mailing list for jobs, software release, call for journal special issues, etc.
- Register to robotics-worldwide mailing list. Same information as euRobotics with a larger audience.
- Don’t take your work too seriously.
Explore our GitHub repo
You will need an account on GitHub, so you can be added to the members of
Then, explore the following:
- Scientific posters
- Scientific publications
- Master’s proposal
- Master’s thesis
- Different logos of the lab
- Read our Latex good practices
Ph.D. students, make good use of the department grants

Little tip to save you some time
Create a new bookmark on you favorite web browser and copy-paste this script as the url:
If you click the bookmark when you are on a scientific article publisher website (e.g. Springer), it will log you into Ariane automatically. Ariane grants you access to the article without having to pay if the university has an agreement with the publisher.
Be social
- Like our Facebook page norlab.ulaval
- Follow the LinkedIn page Norlab
- Subscribe to our YouTube channel norlab
- Ask to be added on our ResearchGate laboratory page
- In general, reshare news from the lab to ensure maximum impact of our work