How to change this website

This is a quick tutorial on how to modify and deploy this website.

  1. Get the proper autorization.

  2. Install Jekyll on your computer by following these instructions

  3. Clone local copies:

    git clone
    git clone
    cd website
  4. Do some modifications. If you want to modify information related to people, start with _data/authors.yml If you want to write a post or a news, look in the folder _posts. It is easier to start by copying a markdown file .mkd and start from there.

  5. Open a local server:

    bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload
  6. Validate your modifications on http://localhost:4000/.

  7. Send your modifications on GitHub: git pull, git add, git commit, git push

  8. Compile in production mode:

    JEKYLL_ENV=production bundle exec jekyll build
  9. Publish the compiled website:

    cd ../
    git pull # just in case
    rsync -a ../website/_site/ .
    git add --all
    git commit -a -m "Your comment"
    git push