Effie Daum

Effie Daum

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Expertise: Trajectory reconstruction, Lie algebra, GNSS, Robotic Total stations

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Effie Daum is currently a Ph.D candidate in Norlab laboratory supervised by Prof. François Pomerleau at Université Laval. She has a master’s degree in Geomatic from Ecole Supérieure des Géomètres-Topographes (Le Mans, France). During her master’s degree, she did a 6 months intership at Norlab and wrote her master thesis on the amelioration of the SLAM algorithms using a 6-DOF (degrees of freedom) trajectory reconstruction using GNSS and Robotic Total stations. Her research interests include trajectory reconstruction, Lie algebra, GNSS and Robotic Total stations.


M.Sc. in Geomatic at Ecole Supérieure des Géomètres-Topographes in Le Mans, France 2023.


  • Participation in the F1TENTH competition in London (ICRA2023).
  • Sponsporship manager for the projet VAUL (Véhicule Autonome de l’Université Laval) 2023-2024.


Conference Articles

  1. Vaidis, M., Dubois, W., Daum, E., LaRocque, D., & Pomerleau, F. (2023). Uncertainty analysis for accurate reference trajectories with robotic total stations. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Accepted for oral presentation
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Norlab trajectory: A library to interpolate trajectories from localization algorithms using Gaussian Processes and STEAM (Simultaneous Trajectory Estimation and Mapping) optimization library made by ASRL (Autonomous Space Robotics Lab) of University of Toronto.